All aboard the USS Aurora, and towards discovery!

Welcome to the USS Aurora, relaunched in 2393 after a massive refit effort. A brand new mission awaits those aboard, as the Federation refocuses its efforts on its core values: Exploring new worlds, and new civilizations.

Latest Mission Posts

» Getting ready to depart

Mission: Rough timing on the Aroura
Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 5:37am by Captain Ka'Tock & Lieutenant JG Tiskatee Troilon & Lieutenant Commander Amber Quinn & Lieutenant Azusa Nakano & Lieutenant Trei Jansum & Lieutenant Remy Boudreau & Lieutenant Zuub & Lieutenant JG Paris Deville


Ka'Tock had made the call for a staff meeting; arranging to have some refreshment waiting as this was going to be a short but very informitive parameters meeting.

The Gally had sent up a type of Contenental Breakfast set up and while most of the staff had lefy One remaoned to make last minute adjustment. A certain Catian of his aquaintance; namely what some might consider his Girlfriend if they really knew. She had come aboard officially with the newest rotation of crew to the Galley Staff.

The Skirted uniform that was modeled after the Fleet style of a…

» Coming out of a daze

Mission: Making for a Hostile Environment.
Posted on Fri Feb 3rd, 2023 @ 1:23pm by Lieutenant JG Tessa Nicoles & Lieutenant Zuub

Zuub applied the cortical stimulators to Tessa after firmly securing her to a contained biobed. Letting Dr. Nicoles out was a danger to the ship. Privately, however, Zuub wondered how the doctor would be when she was normal. Zuub had no preferences as to her chosen mates, whether animate or inanimate objects, just so long as they were interesting. She wondered if this contagion would change that for her, as it apparently changed things for Tessa.

Whatever had happen to Nicoles she was beginning to get a grasp on realty to a degree, at least she was becoming aware of…

» Reporting Home

Mission: Making for a Hostile Environment.
Posted on Mon Jan 30th, 2023 @ 5:34am by Captain Ka'Tock

Captains Log.

I am fair to say that the SHip and her crew have done another fine job with a first encounter that never had formal interacton with the race itself. The automation of what can only be deemed a 'Colony Ship' by all accounts.

The automated systems deployed mechanisms that work as Terra Forming a planet to the needs of the Colonists left in hibernation. The on board computer chose the Federation Colonized world for transformation; the race in question live in a more Methane environment than the Average Federation standard. The machines were effecting changes on the…

» Breakfast

Mission: Making for a Hostile Environment.
Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 5:45am by Lieutenant Azusa Nakano & Lieutenant Trei Jansum

The next day, before duty shift, Azusa found herself outside of Trei's door. She stood there in her uniform feeling nervous about what she had to talk to him about. The call with her parents went well in her opinion, but she still had to let him know how she felt.

Trei had gotten out of the shower and had dressed, almost. He still had to put on his tunic and jacket, but his chest was covered in his tank undershirt. He was just reaching for the gold tunic when the chime sounded.

"Who is it?"

"Erm... Azusa..." Azusa replied…

» What To Do with a Roboship?

Mission: Making for a Hostile Environment.
Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Amber Quinn & Lieutenant JG Ronen Kym & Lieutenant Azusa Nakano & Lieutenant Remy Boudreau & Lieutenant Zuub & Lieutenant JG Tiskatee Troilon


As soon as everyone was back on board, the captain called for a briefing. However, just before it was to begin, he had an urgent call from Starfleet, so put Amber in charge.

Amber decided the best course of action was to go over the new information and then discuss options while Ka'Tock spoke with whomever. There was a distinct possibility this call was about the new information they'd learned about the roboship and the colonists on board.

Strangely, Azusa was the first officer to arrive. She didn't like being first, it always caused her to feel nervous. "Commander..."…