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Posted on Thu Oct 15th, 2020 @ 2:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Amber Quinn & Lieutenant Remy Boudreau & Lieutenant Zuub & Lieutenant JG Tiskatee Troilon & Lieutenant JG Tessa Nicoles
Edited on on Thu Oct 15th, 2020 @ 3:03pm

1,145 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caverns of the mind



Zuub nodded and moved over to Doctor Nicoles. She immediately introduced herself. "I am Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Zuub. Please report to me all that has happened with these patients and the conclusions reached thus far."


"Ah am Tessa." SHe offered a hand. " As far as what happened that could be the pro-blem. No one else seemed affected outright; but Lt. Jansum was reported to have had one of those lizard things bite him and his digression to his present state seems faster than those of the Sciene Team according to our research." She carefully explained.

Nicoles took a breathe and thought for a second.

"We just came out after Lt. Boudreau reported finding the Lost Human in the caves and was taking him out of the caves and abducted poor Azusa and ran back into the caves." She went over quickly. "WE were putting down Sensory probes in the caves when we discovered the Third person; Federation personnel that was not from the planet; The Commander was looking into his background as he was also affected like the scientists and our Away team." She nod. "We had the poor man on the stretcher so we brought him back then returned to recover our lost Away Team members. Those still in the caves are indigenous outside the three scientists we left in place."

"Could it be that the animal thing that bit the Lieutenant contained a concentrated burst of whatever chemical compound is in the cave? Or may it be that those are the cause of whatever is in the cave?" Zuub wondered aloud. "Did anyone capture one of those lizard things? It would be helpful to the analysis."

Boudreau shook his head, 'that was my job. Unfortunately Jansum's got a mean right hook and laid me out on the floor for a bit. Not sure if anyone else got a lizard?'

"We need a lizard," Zuub replied simply.

'I don't disagree,' replied Boudreau slowly, 'but I think we can all do with some rest and something to eat for now. We can discuss how we retrieve a lizard after that, if the Commander is amenable.'

"Until then, I will monitor the condition of the patients. I wish that I had more equipment here to do a more thorough analysis but as of right now, I will make do with what I have," the Andorian replied.

"I'd say it's up to security when they want to go lizard hunting," Amber said.

"Well, where are they?" Zuub asked curiously. "I will go immediately with them, if I can."

'They have nests in the walls of the cave system from what I can gather - they seem to like the ceiling. Must keep them out of danger.' Boudreau smiled, 'but I would agree with the Ex-Oh, only go with a Security detail, there's a whole bunch of people down in those caves and they may be aggressive after we stunned them.'

The warrior in Zuub wanted to go now but as she was needed to solve this problem, she relented. "Very well, I will wait. Lead me to the injured so I can get a baseline on their current issues compared to where they were."

"As the Chief is not indisposed it falls upon me to take the security matters." Troilon stepped forward. "I think that the Science Officer and I should be the only ones to enter the cave; that will limit the risk." She pointed out. "I would rather only be responsible for one person as I do not know what the Threat Assessment so it would seem to the best option."

'If the Commander and Doctor are amenable, I'm amenable,' Boudreau smiled despite the inner groan at the prospect of another hike to the caves as back in a short order.

Zuub wanted to go but there was one problem. She had no idea of what this thing looked like. Furthermore, if she wanted to solve the problem, she could not risk the infection. Torn as she was, she finally answered, "I would like to go but I think my place has to be here. Be cautious!" Zuub warned. "And I would recommend a hazmat suit like I am wearing. We could have them beamed down."

"You know," Amber said, "I've been doing research all day. I can go back to the caves." She looked at Remy. "You're welcome to come with me, if you're up to it. If you'd rather stay here, I can take someone else with me." They could use the transporters to get to the caves and hike back, saving time.

He considered it for a moment, then answered, 'I'll come with - I've been in and out of those caves more times than I can count, which is probably more a comment about my arithmetic than anything else.' He sighed, patted his belly 'if I can pack in a few rations before we head out again, I'll be grateful. Perhaps we can rustle something up to catch a few of the critters?'

"Good idea. You get some food, I'll see if I can find something to tempt the palette of a native lizard." There had to be something in the database about native fruit that might be of interest to a lizard.

'Will do, Commander,' Boudreau looked about at the assembled crew, 'anyone else want a pack of rations while I'm going digging?'

"Ah forgot about field Rations." Nicoles laughed. "Ah suppose replicators have currupted me." SHe smiled. "WHatever sounds the most eatible would be nice Thank -Yew."

Amber went over to the computer and searched for anything she could find on native lizards. Surely at one point someone had done a sutdy of the native wildlife.

Boudreau wandered over after distributing the ration packs to those who wanted them. Chewing on a K-ration he waved a foil packet in Quinn's direction, 'want one? I find research is a tad easier when you have some munch.'

"Sure," she said, taking the packet. "Ready to find a lizard?"

'Just give the word, Commander.' Boudreau swallowed the last of his ration. Transporting over to the caves would be much preferable than hiking all the way there again.

Troilon had found a netting style sack.

"It will need to breathe." She shrugged. "Is there any distinct size you think best or just the first one we find and then get out?"

"I have something to tranquilize a small animal," Amber said. "We should get the first one we find and return." She looked around. "If you're ready, let's beam over and see what we can find."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Zuub
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Amber Quinn
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Remy Boudreau
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Tessa Nicoles

Lieutenant JG Tiskatee Troilon
Security Officer


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