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Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2021 @ 12:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Amber Quinn & Captain Ka'Tock & Lieutenant Remy Boudreau & Lieutenant Zuub
Edited on on Thu Feb 4th, 2021 @ 1:24pm

1,138 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caverns of the mind



'My opinion ...' He shrugged, 'objectively it's fascinating of course. I've heard and read about civilisations regressing after societal collapse - look at our own history in point of fact. But regression due to natural suppression of higher functions?' He considered his words a moment, 'or suppression of development of higher functions, through a natural chemical process? That's exceedingly rare.'

Boudreau then sighed, 'the human part of me just thinks it's horrifying. There's actually no data collected yet to suggest that they were all primitive to begin with. The same thing may have happened to them as happened to the scientists.'


"Possible. I'd like to go back and study them, to see how long they lived in the caves. But until we find out what caused the three we have here to regress so rapidly, it's far too dangerous." She took the pot of soup off the burner and set it aside. "The evidence seems to indicate something in the cave. The scientists where here for almost two years before they found the caves. There was no sign of anything amiss. And yet, Jansum and Nakano regressed in two days."

'Perhaps living on the planet, but not in the caves allowed them to build up a tolerance of sorts whilst out in the wider world. Once they started going in to the caves, they were exposed to more concentrated doses. Once it crossed the blood/brain barrier that was it - they were down.' Boudreau took a moment to think, 'Jansum and Nakano, however, came straight down to the planet, and went straight into those caves - no immunity, highly concentrated doses, and their biological systems were overwhelmed quicker.'

He leaned against the countertop, clear of where the soup was simmering. 'I'd like a long-term study too once we work out a cure and a preventative medicine.' Boudreau sighed, 'I don't want to be that guy, but there are clear military and criminal applications to this chemical compound if it can be stored or synthesised. I'd rather we have a firm handle on what it can do.'

"I agree. I'll contact Federation Sciences when we get back to the ship and let them know this planet needs to be protected until we know exactly what is going on and can counter it." That was often easier said than done, but it would definitely depend on what was in the caves.

'Thank you, Commander,' replied Boudreau sincerely. 'Any and all documentation we can provide to support the case will be at your disposal.'

"Thank you," she replied. She definitely liked working with this Chief Science Officer.

'Need me to collect anything for the stew, or are we all good here?'

"Nope. I think it's ready. Help yourself and then see if the doctor needs you. I admit, I'd like to figure this out and get those three back to themselves."

Boudreau helped himself to a large serving of the stew, and nodded, 'same here - we should be good to go once we've finished eating, the new CMO is busy researching, and the computer's crunching some numbers for me.' He ate a spoonful, and hummed appreciatively, 'it's good, Commander.'

"Good." Amber informed the others that the soup was ready. When she didn't see Paris, she fixed two bowls and went in search of him.


Zuub ran through the data. Her antennae twitched. Something was missing. She knew the answer was in there somewhere. Reviewing everything again, she noted the decrease of activity in the prefrontal cortex and frontal lobes. This generally means that the higher order of brain functions will be reduced. If there is a blockage, how does one get through it? How do we super stimulate the area?

Her antennae stood straight up and started twittering with excitement as she remembered the answer. She now knew why she had not thought of it before. Because Andorians have a different biology and thought of sex and aggression differently, the study from the 21st century did not immediately come to her attention. All that was needed was transcranial direct current stimulation. A direct, continuous, low-intensity electrical current to cortical areas between anodal and cathodal electrodes would simply need to be run through the patients until such time as the blockage either naturally dissipated or was defeated by the extended stimulation.

She walked up to Boudreau and said in her soft, wispy voice that was so contrary to her lanky height, "We need to direct continuous electrical current into their prefrontal cortexes. I believe that prolonged exposure to the current will return them to normal."

Boudreau arched his eyebrows, 'you're positive this will work? Off the top of my head I know there were some studies that showed some promise in cognitive enhancements, but I can't remember much came of it.' He thought a moment a quiet excitement growing in him, 'how safe is it to conduct here? And is it a permanent solution?'

"The theory is sound," Zuub replied, her antennae lashing wildly, expressing her uncertainty. "I do not know how long to run the current, but we can monitor. As long as there is no further exposure, the suppression should be removed permanently."

He thought for a moment, then nodded, 'fine. We should call in the Commander and Captain and get their OK on this - our patients can't consent, for obvious reasons. We'll need to clear a space and find some equipment to perform this with.'

"Very well," Zuub responded, her antennae drooping with disappointment at the Lieutenant's response. She touched her commbadge and said, =^= Captain, I have a potential solution for our patients; however, the Commander suggested that I need to get your OK. =^=

=^= Ka'Tock here Doctor. =^= The Klingon voice came over the channel.=^= WHat do you need Doctor?=^=

=^=I believe that I have a solution to our crew members' problem. It would involve direct, continuous, low-intensity electrical current to cortical areas between anodal and cathodal electrodes. There was some concern expressed as to safety and therefore that you make the call. =^=

=^= Commander Quinn is the direct Command of the away team. You are the Medical Chief and your diagnosis is the call that counts most in Medical Situations. The risk management is up to you and Doctor Nicoles to keep things safe while Boudreau is my Science chief and Quinn the Command Officer of the operation, so the decision should be hers for all away team. I will give my concent as you are Chief Medical Officer but all future command calls are under Commander Quinn's purview. =^=

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Remy Boudreau
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Amer Quinn
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Zuub
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ka'Tock
Commanding Officer


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