Lieutenant JG Amara Ozan

Name Amara Ozan

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 129 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Amara Ozan has an athletic build with long hair she wears in a variety of styles. Like other Trill, she has her own distinctive pattern of spots that do indeed go all the way down, but not before framing a face that includes eyes which seem to twinkle with wisdom beyond their years.


Father Jeros Nex (joined)
Mother Mother – Elfera Biri (unjoined)
Brother(s) Tifar Biri (unjoined)

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a young girl growing up on Trillius Prime, Amara Biri had two hopes for her life: to become joined and to explore the galaxy as a member of Starfleet. Now, after several years and a lot of hard work, she has realized her dreams. A touch more reflective and a bit less impulsive than she used to be, Amara Ozan is ready to see what else she can achieve.
Strengths & Weaknesses (+) Auxiliary Systems specialist
(+) Calm under pressure
(+) Excellent logistic and organizational skills
(+) Ambidextrous

(-) Perfectionist
(-) Neat Freak
(-) Ferengi Men
Ambitions Amara’s new goals are to become a Starfleet Captain and to continue to prove herself worthy of the Ozan Symbiont. Also, to find a way to speed up Level 1 and 2 diagnostics that doesn’t sacrifice their efficiency.
Hobbies & Interests Puzzles and Games, Gymnastics, Literature, Gardening

Personal History From an early age, Amara knew what she wanted from life and was determined to make it happen. She pushed herself academically and athletically in order to prepare for the rigors of both Starfleet Academy and the Symbiosis Commission. Her family supported her efforts; her father had been joined just prior to her birth, and her younger brother grew to idolize his sister. Only her mother expressed any reservations, as she felt Amara was pushing herself too hard. While proud of her daughter, she's also worried and hopes that the girl will learn to slow down.

In truth, Amara learned to play as hard as she worked. She would give her best to her studies and then let her hair down with abandon. The largest personality change since joining with Ozan has been a tempering of her extremes. While she still knows how to have fun, she has become far less wild than her Academy classmates would recall.

Amara excelled at her coursework, flourishing within the Operations Division. While she did not graduate the top of her class, her work was always thorough.

After graduation, she took an immediate leave of absence to returned to her home world for training and evaluation by the Symbiosis Commission. While undergoing the rigors of the process, she befriended a librarian named Sarella Ozan while helping repair the Computer Core of the Commission's archives. Nearing the end of her life due to illness, Sarella specifically requested Amara as the next host for the Ozan symbiont.

Once joined, Amara returned to Starfleet as an Operations Officer on a Nova Class, the USS Blackwell. She performed her duties with distinction, and was recommended for a transfer and promotion when an opportunity arose aboard the Neptune, an Intrepid Class. Since then, she has continued to excel at her work while learning to manage people as efficiently as she does resources.

History of the Ozan Symbiont

Host One: Elitri Ozan, Botanist
Host Two: Jex Ozan, Doctor
Host Three: Koros Ozan, Chef
Host Four: Sarella Ozan, Librarian
Host Five: Amara Ozan, Starfleet Officer
Service Record USS Blackwell: Operations Officer
USS Neptune: Assistant Chief Operations Officer